
* UrellAm thunjchi * ulagellAm naLLiruLAy *
nIrellAm thERi * Or nILiravAy nIndadhAl **
pArellAm uNda * nam pAmbaNaiyAn vArAnAl *
Ar? ellE! valvinaiyEn * Avi kAppAr iniyE 1

The populace sleeps, the world is pitch-darkness, the waters have calmed. Night stretches into eternity. The Lord who swallowed the Earth sleeps on a serpent couch. Alas, he does not come, who can save my sinful soul now?

Avi kAppAr ini yAr? * Azhkadal maN viN mUdi *
mAvikAramAy * Or valliravAy nIndadhAl **
kAvisEr vaNNan * en kaNNanum vArAnAl *
pAviyEn nenjchamE! * nIyum pAngkallaiyE 2

A ghastly pall engulfs the Earth, sea and sky, stretching into one sinister night. My golden hued Krishna does not come, alas! O sinful heart, you too are not with me; who can save me now?

nIyum pAngkallai kAN * nenjchamE! nILiravum *
Oyum pozhudhinRi * UzhiyAy nIndadhAl **
kAyum kadunjchilai * en kAguththan vArAnAl *
mAyum vagai aRiyEn * valvinaiyEn peN piRandhE 3

See, you are not with me, O Heart The long night stretches into an aeon. My Kakutsha Lord wielding the scorching bow does not come. Sinner, born as a female, I know not how to end my life.

peN piRandhAr eydhum * perunthuyar kANgilEn enRu *
oNsudarOn * vArAdhoLiththAn ** immaNNaLandha
kaN periya sevvAy * engkArERu vArAnAl *
eN periya sindhai nOy * thIrppAr Ar ennaiyE? 4

Even the radiant Sun has hidden himself, unable to bear the sight of a maiden in distress. My black bull, the Lord with large eyes and red lips does not come. Alas, who can cure my love-sickness?

Ar ennai ArAyvAr? * annaiyarum thOzhiyarum *
nIr ennE? ennAdhE * nILiravum thunjchuvarAl **
kAranna mEni * nam kaNNanum vArAnAl *
pErennai mAyAdhAl * valvinaiyEn pinninRE 5

Who inquires of me? My Mother and my sakhis sleep through the night, never asking what happened, My dark-hued Krishna too does not come. Wicked me, my name will tell tales and not let me die!

pinninRa kAdhal nOy * nenjcham peridhadumAl *
munninRu irAvUzhi * kaN pudhaiya mUditRAl **
manninRa chakkaraththu * em mAyavanum vArAnAl *
inninRa nILAvi * kAppAr Ar ivvidaththE? 6

An incurable love-sickness torments my soul. An aeon of darkness hangs over my sunken eyes. My discus-Lord-eternal too does not come. Who on Earth can save this soul?

kAppAr Ar ivvidaththu? * kangkiruLin nuNthuLiyAy *
chEtpAlathUzhiyAych * selginRa kangkulvAy **
thUppAla veNsangku * chakkaraththan thOnRAnAl *
thIppAla valvinaiyEn * dheyvangkAL! en seygEnO? 7

The sky is densely packed with powdered pitch. The long night stretches like an aeon. The Lord of spotless conch and discus does not appear. Yea gods! What shall I do? My acts are wicked as fire!

dheyvangkAL! en seygEn? * Oriravu EzhUzhiyAy *
meyvandhu ninRu * enadhAvi melivikkum **
kaivandha chakkaraththu * en kaNNanum vArAnAl *
thaivandha thaNthenRal * venjchudaril thAnadumE

Yea gods! A single night stretches into seven aeons, hanging over my person and thinning my soul, Alas! My Krishna-with-discuss does not come. The cool spring-breeze scorches like fire; what shall I do?

venjchudaril thAnadumAl * vIngkiruLin nuNthuLiyAy *
anjchudara veyyOn * aNinedunthEr thOnRAdhAl **
senjchudarth thAmaraikkaN * selvanum vArAnAl *
nenjchidar thIrppAr ini yAr? * ninRuruguginREnE 9

Darkness packed with fine pitch scorches like fire. The beautiful tall chariot of the Sun does not appear, alas. The wealthy Lord of lotus eyes too does not come, alas. who can cure my heart's malady? Alas, I stand and melt.

ninRuruguginREnE pOla * neduvAnam *
senRurugi nuNthuLiyAych * selginRa kangkulvAy **
anRorukAl vaiyam * aLandha pirAn vArAn enRu *
onRorukAl sollAdhu * ulagO uRangkumE 10

Like me, the wide sky too melts pouring as fine droplets into the night, The world sleeps tight, alas, not once saying; The Lord who measured the Earth then shall not come.

* uRangkuvAn pOl * yOgu seydha perumAnai *
siRandha pozhil sUzh * kurugUrch satakOpan sol **
niRam kiLarndha andhAdhi * AyiraththuL ippaththAl *
iRandhu pOy vaikundham * sErAvARu engnganEyO? 11

This decad of the colourful radiant Anadodi of thousand songs by satakopan of kurugur surrounded by excellent groves, is addressed to the Lord who did yoga like one sleeping, singing this will secure Heaven after death.

adivaravu: Ur Avi nIyum peN Ar pin kAppAr dheyvam venjchudar
ninRu uRangku engnganEyO

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